Thus follows some overdue pictures of the festivities in Blairsville, GA:
"Excuse me...I'm TRYING to take a picture, and that's not exactly what I wanted in the foreground."

"There we go. Thank you."

This reminds me of my idea for a new line of jokes...
You might be a Scotsman if..
- You have a problem with your leg-hair getting tangled.
- You often think, "*GASP* That man is wearing PANTS!!!"
- You think your beard is supposed to act as a beverage filter.
Yummm...Haggis. Well, there wasn't a warning sign, and I burnt my tongue....thus my expression.
Haggis? Truly? How was it (besides hot)?
Yes, Sir. Genuine sheep...stuff. I liked it, Mom and Tricia Ann thought it was bad, and I'll have to let Dad speak for himself.
Thank you, Sir, for commenting.
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