It's getting really green around here, and I'm so glad! It's been dismally gray all winter long. Being from Georgia, where there are plenty of evergreen pines, I'm not accustomed to the bleak Tennessee winter landscape.
I love dogwoods!

I had the prettiest stand of crimson clover, and I couldn't wait until it bloomed. I was so disappointed when I realized that we would have to till it under before the flowers appeared, that Daddy left a little patch for me. Isn't he nice? They started to bloom this week.

Jacob's baby chicks

We've planted almost an acre already.
Here are some lettuce and kale transplants.

We're finally able to harvest our asparagus this year. It's beautiful and delicious.

The plants in the garden are all doing well and growing steadily.

-Tricia Ann
Praying that the Lord will give you a bountiful harvest. Love the pictures. The Blicks
The blog layout is awesome! Good job, Tricia Ann. :)
I keep thinking spring is around the corner, then it gets cold and rainy out again and our neighbors saw some snow flakes on I have some doubts on our end. I am completely looking forward to warm weather though, and it looks like y'all have it with that beautiful landscape, green fields, and lovely sunshine!
By the way, the header looks completely BRILLIANT! Love it! =)
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