Here's the second bent, assembled and ready to go up.

There were lots of spectators.

By this time, the number of workers had diminished significantly. So, they used a bobcat plus manpower to get the 2nd bent halfway up. At that point, the bobcat wouldn't go up any further, so the guys braced it and stopped to evaluate the situation.
They decided to just go on and push it the rest of the way. Being the rugged and mighty guys that they were, they gave it a shove, and it went right up.

Okay, so that's not how it really went. ;)
It was getting rather dangerous, and Granddaddy insisted that they call a crane.

Even with the crane, there was still a lot of work to do. In fact, I don't think they could've finished it all in one day without the crane to speed things up some.

The 3rd and final bent.

Stay tuned for the final timber-framing post.
-Tricia Ann
To bad we had to miss it. :( But we still had a awesome time with y'all! :D
Once again you all tug at our heart strings. Wishing we could have been there to help with the big day. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Blessing, Steve for the Blicks
Hey, Caleb! We wish you could've been here too. Y'all need to come back soon.
Thanks for your comments, Mr. Blick. We really enjoyed your visit. Y'all come back soon and stay longer.
-Tricia Ann for all the Lingos
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