Friday, March 06, 2009

What We Did Today...

Some of our friends/neighbors came over today and helped us with some farm work. We moved the compost pile and spread 4 tons of limestone, 700 pounds of greensand, and 700 pounds of rock phosphate! We covered almost an acre, then Jacob tilled it with our brand-new six-foot tiller. Needless to say, it was much faster than tilling with our old faithful walk-behind tiller. 

Thanks for your help, y'all! Here are the pictures Mom took.

-Tricia Ann

These guys moved the compost pile across the pasture with pitchforks and a mule. No easy task, considering that the pile was about 6' x 70'!
Our Rock-Phosphate-spreading lady.
I spread lots of greensand...a mineral supplement derived from the ocean.

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