Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What's going on

I just realized with sudden panic that I forgot the camera cord...so I don't have any pictures to blog.

We have been non-stop going. Going, going, going. There is only one word to describe it: "going".
After much effort of all involved, our pastor's Hardy Plank siding and laminate flooring is completed! We made a flash trip back to Georgia on Sunday night/Monday. After a routine house check, repacking, a wonderful lunch with our grandparents, and an orthodonist appointment, we scurried back up to Cow Holler. We made a stop in Chattanooga for soap-making supplies and met the representatives of another agrarian, homeschooling family.

Today, my comrades and I set up a buddy stand, and with little difficulty, *cough*, and lots of fun we successfully completed the task. I saw 12 deer the other morning, yet didn't get a shot at any of them. I was hoping to get at least 1 deer this year, but the prospects of doing so are now looking a wee bit slim.

Our search for property continues. We look forward to seeing how God is going to provide for our housing needs and we praise Him for his provision thus so far. Farm names are being feverishly deliberated. Stirling Bridge Farm seems to be the general consensus so far.

The Battle of Stirling Bridge was a tremendous blow to the English. It proved that infantry could be superior to cavalry. The bridge at Stirling was only broad enough to allow two horsemen to cross abreast. The Scots were able to hold Stirling Bridge against overwhelming odds because of their resolve and tact.

Grace & peace,



Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the meeting as well, and look forward to you coming to visit sometime. In the meantime, we will continue enjoying your blog! :-)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! May God bless you richly.