Whenever I have spare time and it's sunny out, I've been working on shearing my sheep. It's not as easy as I imagined, and it takes a long time., but I am getting faster. I've finished 3 out of 5 sheep. I still have Mo and Laz to go. I hate to shear Mo because her woolliness is so cute, and I'm not really looking forward to doing Laz - somehow I don't think he will be as compliant as the girls.
I am expecting lambs very soon! I am so excited, and can't wait for them to be born. I will be sure to post pictures when they get here.
Here's a picture of Puff; who ironically, is not so puffy anymore.

Whenever I am out shearing, Daisy comes over to watch. Turns out that it's a spectator sport. She really likes the John Deere lawn mower seat.

-Tricia Ann
Are you going to spin the wool, Tricia Ann?
A neighbor of ours owns 2 small alpacas and last year she gave me the fleece from both of them. I'm planning on cleaning, washing, carding and hopefully spinning it sometime soon. I have yet to get some carders, but I found some I like on ebay that aren't *too* pricy. I also need a spinning wheel, but that might have to wait awhile longer. Those things are really expensive!! :) Spinning one's own fiber (or the neighbor's :P) has always been something I've wanted to do. Such a neat and productive hobby. :)
P.S. Can't wait to see pictures of your new little sheepies when they're born!
Hi, Livvy! It's great to hear from you! I hope you and your family are well.
I don't think I'll be able to spin the wool myself this year. So, I will probably wash it and then sell it. Maybe next year when our house is finished, we will get a spinning wheel. I think it would be really nice to have yarn from my fleeces!
Oh, alpaca fiber is very nice. You'll have to let me know how your yarn turns out.
-Tricia Ann
We're doing excellent, thank you! Things are starting to get busy around here, though. We've got the garden going and piglets were born a few days ago, and now we're in the beginning stages of getting everything extra spiffy around Rehoboth Farm, also known as really good Spring-cleaning. ;)
We would really like to visit CV soon. We've been meaning to take a trip up for the last couple of months, but we haven't had a chance to.
So, how have y'all been?
That's wonderful how you can use the wool to sell. And Mo's is going to make some lovely skeins. :)
Y'all have a great week!
Good; I'm glad to hear that y'all are doing well and staying busy. I bet your farm is getting really pretty this time of year. And piglets sound like fun.
Oh, yes. I hope that you can make it up here soon. It's been a long time since we've seen you! You'll have to come over and see our house. And you can see the little lambs in person. I have one ewe whose udder is really full, so I'm expecting her to lamb any day. I'm so excited. :)
We are doing very well. We are very busy planting right now. Jacob is managing our farm this year, since my dad is working in Franklin for a while. So far, so good.
Say hello to your family for me!
Tricia Ann
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