We got two more Highlands yesterday. They are due to calve in the spring. So we'll have little fuzzy cows all over the place. These were already named when I got them, so don't blame me if you don't like their names. :)
We've had a couple people ask if we are keeping yaks. They do look a little like yaks, and we think it's funny. So, Jacob's been making up yak jokes for the past day or two. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are not:
What is a Nepalese bovine's favorite martial artist? Yak-ie Chan
What does a Nepalese bovine use to play tennis? A tennis Yak-it (okay, so Jacob didn't make this one up. Mom found it on the internet while looking for Gimli Report material.)
What is a Nepalese bovine's favorite Country singer? Alan Yak-son
...Anyway, you see what I mean. ;)
-Tricia Ann
This is Ellie.
I wonder if she's named after the Wooly Mammoth from Ice Age... :)