We drove 6 hours down to Georgia, and 6 hours back. To amuse myself, I played with my camera.

After much coaxing, I finally convinced everyone to let me take their picture.

We had a great time with Dad's parents and my uncle. We all cooked breakfast together one morning. We had fun, and the food was delicious!

We also went to Mom's parents' house for Christmas Eve. I always enjoy seeing our extended family.
Dinner Prep

We always read the Christmas Story from Luke 2 before we open presents. Jacob and I used to read, then Ansley and Sierra read it when they learned to read. Now Ford does a wonderful job reading to us.
merry christmas and happy new year lingo family...bless you all.
p.s. love the first picture.
Those are great pictures. I pray you are all enjoying this Christmas season. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Merry Christmas, and a Blessed New Year.
Whitney for the Creath's.
Looks like y'all had a great Christmas! Y'all should have stopped by and visited us though! :)
Blessings from the Weathers,
I really like the first one, Tricia Ann! I'll have to remember that next time we're on a trip.
Thanks y'all for your comments!
We wish we could've stopped to see friends in GA, but we had to make it a quick trip. Maybe next time. And you GA people need to come visit us too!
-Tricia Ann
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