Today is Tricia Ann's birthday! She is now half-way to 40, though we prefer to think of it as just plain 20. Tricia Ann is the best sister there is bar none. She cooks, cleans, sews, gardens, and I don't know what all, with a smile on her face all the time. She is truly a blessing to the us.

Happy Birthday Tricia Ann!!!
Happy Birthday Tricia Ann!!
From The Evans Family in Indiana
Thanks, Jacob, Katie, and Mrs. Evans!
Tricia Ann
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Miz Lingo!
BTW, did Jacob get you a "Big Orange"? :p.
God Bless,
Thank you, Amy! Missed you on Tuesday!
Thank you. "Big orange"? I must be missing something. Would you mind explaining? :)
I'm sorry for confusing ya, I thought that Jacob could be refering to this, 'cause of the "I don't know what all".
The farm sure looks purdy!
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
Sorry, it's late. I hope you had a great day!!!!
Oh, I get it now. Jacob probably WAS referring to that, but I somehow didn't make the connection. I'm a little slow. :)
Tricia Ann
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