I know, I know, it's been a
long time since we've posted. For some reason, I can't upload my pictures on Jacob's laptop (PCs are so frustrating). I have to go to the office and upload on *my* ;) Mac.
Kaliste tagged me, so this post requires no pictures. I'm supposed to list 6 random things about myself. Hmmmm.
Well...I've........never plucked a rooster, and I'm not too good at ping-pong, and I've never flung my mashed potatoes up against the wall...I've never gotten headlice, and I don't look good in leggings...Oh! That's not what you wanted? Okay, I'll try again.
- Hockey is my favorite sport to watch (Jacob Lingo is my favorite Right Wingman).
- If you're speaking Korean, I can understand you, as long as you're talking about punches and kicks.
- When I fry bacon, I usually burn it. :)
- I think the chicken dance is awesome.
- My hair turns green when I go swimming in a chlorinated pool
- I HAVE been to Boston in the Fall.
How was that? Random enough?
I tag
Katie and
-Tricia Ann